Typeface Academy

Build curated campaigns and journeys

Typeface Arc is an adaptive AI storyboard for end-to-end campaign building. This guide covers how to get started creating content with Arc.

This feature requires users to have access to Arc on the Enterprise plan. Contact sales to learn more.

Installation and setup 

Before you create emails, set up your account so anyone in your organization can quickly generate on-brand, high-quality content.  

Setting up connectors 

Arc creates content in your approved, professionally designed HTML templates. Here are the steps to set up an HTML template: 

  • Customer Data Platforms such as Salesforce Data Cloud and Microsoft Dynamics 365   

  • Digital Asset Management Systems such as Adobe Experience Manager   

  • Customer Journey Orchestration tools like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights and Salesforce Journey Builder  

  • Email Marketing tools like HubSpot, Klaviyo, and Mailchimp  

If you want to set up these integrations, please contact your Customer Success Manager to get them set up.   

Setting up your brand’s HTML templates 

Arc can leverage your approved, professionally designed HTML templates to generate on-brand content. Here are the steps to set up an HTML template: 

  1. Load your brand’s template into Arc. Navigate to your Brand Kit and scroll to the section for ‘Email Layouts.’ Then click 'Add Layout.’ You can either paste in HTML directly or upload a file with the layout.  

  1. Annotate the blocks you want to personalize. If you want Typeface to generate content for a block (e.g. hero imagery, headlines, body copy) select the block and mark it for generation. Provide additional instructions for that specific content block (see best practices for annotating content blocks in the section below). Otherwise, you can choose to leave certain content blocks static (e.g. footer, social media links, logos).   

Create a multi-step customer journey 

You can create a new multi-step customer journey in two ways: create one from scratch or by importing an existing journey. Marketers who want to think through the narrative & the content first can create a new journey from scratch. Marketers who already have a journey set up in an orchestration tool can import it into Typeface and create new content for it.   


Here’s how to create a new multi-step customer journey from scratch: 

  1. Enter a goal as the overall objective of the campaign. Arc learns your goal to gather relevant data on your product, audience, and brand 

  1. If you’d like to use only pre-approved images in your Arc, select specific asset ‘collections’ under ‘Campaign Images’ so Arc can semantically auto-search and populate your Arc with the most appropriate images. Alternatively, if you’d like to highlight specific products in your generated Arc images, click into the ‘Product’ section to select them.

  1. Confirm the audience segments gathered by Arc. Arc looks for suitable audiences from integrated customer data platforms to make it easier to personalize content. 

  1. Confirm the brand guidelines loaded up by Arc. 

  1. Provide additional context via URLs or additional documents to make sure the content is relevant and accurate.  

  1. Review and make changes to the outline of your campaign’s key activities created by Arc.  


Multi-step customer journey best practices 

There are three primary places to guide Typeface in the creation of your content – providing specific inputs here will help ensure content quality. 

  1. Goal: Informs the creation of all the content in the Arc  

  1. Activity: Informs the creation of content for the individual activity in the campaign sequence (email, push notification, SMS, etc.) 

  1. Content Block: Informs the creation of content for a specific content block – you can provide additional instructions for each content block while annotating the email template. 

Provide more specific goals: Specific goals help to create your multi-step journey for the campaign. For example, let’s say you’re creating a journey to welcome new customers of Pacific Pathfinders. 

  • Generic goal: “Create a welcome journey for new customers of Pacific Pathfinders”. This provides Arc more flexibility to come up with the steps it thinks will work best.  

  • Specific goal: “Welcome first-time customers of Pacific Pathfinders. In different emails, tell them about the mission and focus of Pacific Pathfinders. Invite them to join the Compass Club loyalty program. Offer a 30% discount on our new all-weather tent. Encourage people to get outdoors with our latest guide called ‘Top 10 Pacific Northwest Trails.’” 

A specific goal is more likely to create a 3-5 step journey where each step maps to content from the goal. 

Provide objectives for each activity in the campaign sequence: Add instructions (or rules) to further control the content of your activity. Below is an example of useful instructions.  

Introduce new customers to Pacific Pathfinders, highlighting the company’s mission and focus. Here are some additional instructions:  

  • Explain how the organization is dedicated to promoting outdoor adventures and sustainable practices.  

  • Find relevant context from the background information and fill it into the provided template.  

  • Make sure to use the original messaging from the document. Paraphrase it to call out the benefit.  

  • Use original disclaimers as is without modifications   

  • For email subject line and preheader: summarize the key message of the email in 7-8 words. Readable and direct. Call out the benefit. 


Provide rules to personalize content blocks: Arc automatically infers the content that’s required by your email and gives you options to further control how the content is generated for each block. If you have specific brand guidelines or instructions on how to create content, you can annotate each content block and provide instructions that Arc will follow when creating content. This capability helps brand teams define guardrails when others quickly generate on-brand, high-quality content. 


Below are a few examples of detailed instructions you can add at the block level:  

Example 1 – this generates 2-3 paragraphs that generate the main body of an email 

This is the main body of the email. Start with a greeting (e.g. Hi there), but do not include subject, pre-headers, or signatures.  

The body of the email should be 3 paragraphs. Wrap each paragraph in HTML tags for <p>.   

Example: <p>Greeting</p>><p>First paragraph</p><p>Second paragraph</p><p>Third paragraph</p>  

Rules for generating each paragraph:  

The first paragraph - engage the reader with one or two questions. Keep the length of the first paragraph under 20 words.  

The second paragraph - introduce the reader to the resource. Include the name of the resource. Talk about the main benefit the reader will get from the resource. Keep the length of the second paragraph under 50 words.  

The third paragraph - describes additional content of the report. It is a short sentence, followed by a set of 3-5 short, single-line bullet points. Keep the length of the third paragraph under 50 words. 

Example 2 – this generates a precise headline that also styles certain elements 

This headline is the Main Offer. Highlight its benefit.   

Additional requirements to paraphrase the messaging:  

  • 10 to 14 words  

  • don't change the meaning and style of the original messaging.  

  • begin with an action word  

  • avoid using ":"  

  • avoid using periods at the end  

  • avoid using acronyms  

Try it out 

Get started on creating a new Arc. To learn the topics covered in this guide, try out the following: 

  1. Import HTML templates into Arc 

  1. Annotate the content blocks 

  1. Create an Arc using the best practices above 

Troubleshooting FAQs 

Why is the publish button disabled? 

The Publish button gets enabled when all activities have approved content. If you see a yellow icon on an activity, that means it has content that’s pending review. To change this state, you can click into the content and use the dropdown to ‘Approve’ the content. 


What do I do if my Arc generation shows a ‘Failed’ state?  

A failed state indicates that the generation ran into an error – we are working to reduce these and make these easier to recover from. In the interim, if you encounter a Failed state, there are two things you can try: 

  • Disable Copyright checks: the most common reason for errors is a potential copyright violation. Typeface has built-in safety checks to protect brands from accidentally violating the copyright of a different brand.   If you are using names owned by your brand, you can disable this check.




Need more help? Contact support@typeface.ai.